Hey Followers gue yang gaada sama sekali - _____- ini gue upload juga foto editan 810 100410 On Trip! Hoho maaafkan tapi ini hanya 3, oke gue kayak lesbong melukin orang melulu! gapapa deh kan sayaaaang :* ♥

This? Im With Bei!

And This One? In the Back Yard of ANRI! and we're taking picture! Im editing it then! With Bei and Tyasss!

Thisss oneeee? Okay! People say both of us look-a-like! Yesss! But, sorry to inform, were not twins! Anggi *Right* Born : 14 Okto and me *left* born 15 Okto! Born from different mother even father! WE'RE NOT TWINSSSSY!♥
Thats All! Thank you! Comment? Just put it with your user or ANONYMOUS! HOHO ♥ i heart all of you my Followers ♥
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