Tadi sih udah ketemu, pas ketemu yang pertama kali kita lakuin itu meluk! dan dia gak ngelepas gue! hahahahahaha, rambut dia udah panjang, terus dia jadi putih banget dan nambah kurus! well, not kurus sih tapi slim, udah langsing banget gak endut gak krempeng kayak gue huuuu -_-
tadi pertama kali kita ke jco! and jcooling, she take the single one with oreo topping and i take the couple one with melon mochi, jelly lychee, and choco caviar, and fadli eat the leftover of the topping and melted yoghurt hahah! oke next, she buy three donuts, and then i gave her the jacket i promised her, and she gave me three packs of Airheads (PERCY JACKSON edition)! HAHAHAHA!
IM SO HAPPY MUAHAHAHAHAHHA! and then~ we played at timezone and finally we dont know where to go, so we got ourself drifted away at the food court! muahahahahah! and then we talk about indonesia's condition today and before, and it like something! dan gue seneng banget, oke bloggy gue pernah menjanjikan diri kamoe mengenai sabrina bukan? oke here it is!
See her? Well, im the middle one, ayu is the left one (green shirt) and sabrina is the rite one!!!! hoho!
Well, thats all thankies!
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