Today, on 9:04 PM im going to tell you my all brand new little kittens that their moms bring to my house, at first, this adult cat (my cat) try to hide her kittens because my other adult cats is her husbands, its been somekind of their habits keeping their kittens away from adult cats because it seems like its no good for the little.
And the most funny thing is, my mom (the one who love cat the most) name this three kittens after a fish name (it supposed to), an ex-stray cat that i used to take care of then it just leave my house and known to be dead (?), and after it, my mom name it after abang abang name. Their name is Goldy, Cemong, and Japra -_-. When i mumbled about japra i dont know why.. kok kayaknya lucu sih HAHAHAHAHA. whatsoever lets continue to the point of this posting!

i loveeeeeeeee him the most, well he's a HIM, but he look like a she!!! lucu banget parah, dia ini photogenic >> according to all of my friends statement after seing my facebook (restricted and friends only :p). But their statements feels like representing their feelings to take my kitten wakakakak they've just said it but they're not going to. pranks. hahahah this one GOLDY and he's hyperactive. but... got pretty eyes even my friends said that goldy wears Soft Lenses with Olive Green Color -_-

Ini si Japra, well namanya tuh gak pasti, ganti ganti, nama yang satu ini permanen, awalnya itu Jepri, eh ganti japra. paansih namanya ngakak banget -_-

Im still a little bit sad with this traumatic disease of Cemong's, she only last one day, even though she just stayed at my house about two weeks. im sad because she's the only SHE between this kittens, well we got their mom as a SHE, but her mom gave bad seed to the kittens, look at jepri...... when he still little, he look like kampoeng, but now, he look even more chubby!!! hihi. but i still got any other pict showing goldy funny and ridic habits, cekidot.

Here's Goldy, in his food bowl.... well i could say that his food bowl is big, but can he find another place to sleep in? wkwkwkwk my mom the one who saw it and then shouted at me to take his picture, lol. but he look so cute, i pat on his forehead once a while then he got awaken, but its easy to make him go to sleep again, stroke him in the fore head or upper side of his neck, then he got merem merem and the mendengkur.... terus bobok -_-
ini sih yang unik, yang lainnya masih ada. but kayaknya gue udah makan setengah halaman blog nih -_- wah maruk. okey okey besok lagi kawan postingnya, akyuh punya posting about my bday, its a short one but it got picture on it ;)